Working with tagged file formats - no need to panic ...
… because it is actually very simple! Once you understand the main concepts of the tags and the structure of a tagged flie, a whole new world of business opportunities opens for you. Suddenly you can translate more than just Microsoft Word documents. Your customer wants to have PowerPoint slides translated, or Excel sheets, OpenOffice, Indesign and Framemaker files, software user interfaces, websites and document management or content management driven documentation items or other sophisticated file formats?
No problem for you, if you rely on us. In the course of a workshop we show you how to deal with any type of document format.
My customer wants to run this project …
… , however, I have never seen this file format before - will it work and what are the risks? How can we acquire the necessary knowledge quickly in order to show our competence and not lose the custome? If you work with us, you do not need to acquire the knowledge and possibly need to hire additional manpower. Rather, you leave the document preparation and post processing completely to us and concentrate on your core competence - the translation.
Your advantages:
• you get the job and your customer is happy
• you use the translation solution you prefer – for example, SDL Trados, Across, MemoQ or Wordfast
• you have shown competence in yet another area
• you did not hire new staff or drew resoures off other projects
• the risk to deliver intact documents is minimized since you work with a competent partner
We help you with all file format related questions. Contact us any time for an offer.